Thursday 29 September 2011


Since the past times,Surveys have been conducted over a large variety of topics to get a generalised view point of the masses.They have been very effective in large data collection.But Data Loss and Limited Accessibilty to places have always hindered complete data collection.

But with upcoming technology,various means such as computer and mobile phones are also used to collect data more efficiently.

This brings us to our project which is regarding "MOBILE BASED SURVEY" in which we created a SURVEY where data can be collected via mobile phones.

After a comprehensive study on different service providers given here,we chose Epi-Surveyor to conduct our survey.

Epi-Surveyor is a 'Cloud' based service that enables collection of text and GPS data using a variety of mid-ranged mobile phones. A Web based console allows for form development, conducting of survey and data. In Epi-Surveyor, the forms are created using a web server and the data is collected either through SMSes or can be sent to the server via an Epi-Surveyor application GPRS connected phone.

Epi-Surveyor :-


Epi-Surveyor provides a user-friendly console to all the users when we create a survey. To create a survey, you should have an account on Epi-Surveyor which can be created here. For any survey it provides a variety of options in which the creator can take input from user including multiple choice questions, numeric inputs and acceptable range for numeric inputs. It provides a date format which allows the user to take input in date format. It also provides a LOGICAL operator which moves to the next question only if the previous question has a specific input. For instance, it will ask the question regarding standard of the user only if the user chooses SCHOOL STUDENT as an option in previous question. It also provides options for ╫ labels ╫  in which only text is displayed to the user without any choices. Here is a useful Web User Guide.

A snapshot of the console :-


We would like to give a brief about the various forms of data collection provided by Epi-Surveyor-

1) Through SMS - A SMS regarding the structure of the Reply is sent to the desired people by the creator of the survey who then reply in the same structured form.The data SMSed is automatically stored in the forum on the server.But it has one disadvantage which is that the user has to enter the answers in a structured format only.Any wrong inputs or blank inputs will be accepted and hence data collection will be affected.
A short demo of the procedure can be seen here.

2) Through E-mail - An E-mail regarding the forum will sent to the desired people by the creator of the survey.To reply the data to the server,the user must have an account on Epi-Surveyor.Account can be created using this link here.

3) Through Mobile Application - It is a JAVA based application.This Application can be downloaded from here. .There are a variety of moble phones given which support the application. If one can't identify his phone, he/she should download the application corresponding to the phone which matches the Screen resolution of his/her mobile phone. Also, one should create an Epi-Surveyor account at Epi-surveyor .In this application,after completion of survey,the data is automatically stored in the mobile phone so that it can be sent when possible. It also creates an analysis of the data collected in the phone.
Here is a useful Mobile User Guide.

3.a) The data can be send using a GPRS connection in phone

3.b) If the phone doesn't support a GPRS connection,the data can be send through SMS service in mobile application.For that service,we can provide our mobile number on our internet account(at SMS setting tab) and get a gateway number.Then,if we wish to send the data to the server through SMS using application as a   platform,we can change the settings in our application as SMS and enter the gateway number there.Now it will send the data of survey to server via SMS using application as platform.

A preview of the Application can be seen here.

The users on Epi-serveyor are differentiated in three categories-

1.) Free User :- Can only add 20 Forms at most with data limitation and had to rely on Epi-Surveyor's server.

2.) Pro User :- A pro user have more data space online on Epi-Surveyor's server, but still can't make his /her computer a server.

3.) Enterprise User :- Main feature for a Enterprise User is that he/she can make his/her own computer a server and don't have to rely on Epi-Surveyor's server.

Here are some more details.

We created a survey using free version regarding our subject System Management.We chose the mobile aaplication method to collect data because it is more user friendly and easy method for users.To register your data into the survey:

1) Create an account on Epi-Surveyor

2) Install the JAVA application from here.

3) Log-in using the JAVA application and downloaded the form from my forms section and then surveyed.( In case any other person want to do a survey for it can search for Survey ID 10135 or Survey name Database)

A preview of our Survey :-

If we provide a wrong input or no input in the survey,the survey will not proceed ahead and ask the user to answer the question properly.

We conducted this survey on some students of our batch and collected the data.

There is a complete file showing the data recorded in survey which can be accessed here.

BY :- Nishant Sharma and Rohan Garg

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